BNSF | Jones Lang LaSalle Brokerage, Inc. Contacts

Jones Lang LaSalle Brokerage, Inc. Contacts

BNSF has selected Jones Lang LaSalle Brokerage, Inc. to help you with the purchase, lease or permit of BNSF Real Estate and any other property management issues.

Permit Management Contacts

Land Sales, Lease Management, and Customer Projects Contacts


Fort Worth Land Sales / Lease Office:
JLL | 4200 Buckingham Rd. | Suite 110 | Fort Worth, TX 76155 | Toll Free Number: 866-498-6647 | Fax: 817-306-8129




Economic Development Contacts

laurie mary jenny ryand alex ashley jason1 jason2 vacant kevin ryanvp
  Name Contact
Idaho, Oregon, Washington Tel: 206-625-6081
California Tel: 909-386-4596
Arizona, New Mexico Tel: 623-463-4180
Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota Tel: 701-280-7294
Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska Tel: 913-551-4657
Vice President Tel: 817-352-3357
South Texas Tel: 817-867-0872
Illinois, Wisconsin, Kentucky Tel: 312-850-5672
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, South Texas Tel: 817-867-0872
North Texas, Oklahoma Tel: 817-352-6481
Colorado, Wyoming, Nevada, Vermont Tel: 817-229-2065

Dedicated Train Site Contacts

Area Name Contact
AG Unit Trains and Emerging Markets Tel: 817-867-0742

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